
History of Hill United Church of Christ

The corner stone was laid August 9, 1903 and it was dedicated on July 24, 1904.  The internal part of this church is comfortable, consisting of modern pews, a Sunday School room, children’s nursery, memorial windows and a pipe organ.  Originally it was nothing but a rude log cabin, but it became the fruitful mother of churches in this entire region.  Religious services doubtless were held at an earlier day in private houses as was the custom among the first settlers.  Settlers who came to service on a Sunday morning, built a huge fire on the outside of the church, and in order to warm themselves sat on the bare ground on logs.  The log cabin was later remodeled and transformed into a larger and more commodious structure, in 1789, John Adam Heilman 2nd, being master builder, and this served its purpose until 1837 when a new square church was built, which has galleries on three sides and one of the old fashioned wine glass pulpits.